You still have a little more time and a chance to submit your tax return if you have forgotten about it or weren't entirely prepared for the online tax return Melbourne . You might be stressed on getting slapped with a fine on missing the deadline because 31 st October is the date when all Australians have to prepare their paperwork and send it to ATO (Australian Tax Office). So hurry, through online, you can still lodge a tax return in Melbourne . But, what is the final tax Deadline? 15th May was the final deadline for taxpayers who have maintained a good tax history or were engaged with registered tax agents. But due to global pandemic-Coronavirus, the date was extended and dropped on 5 th June. You must be well-acquainted with that lodging after 5th June is likely to put you into big trouble. Whether you had a good tax history with ATO or not, penalties will surely hit you badly. Hence, now you should take the help of registered tax agents to lodge an...